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A field of ripe, ready to harvest barley with a large haystack in the background. Barley (<i>Hordeum vulgare</i>), along with wheat, maize and oats, is a major grain crop. It is widely used in animal feeds and its main use for human consumption is in producing malt and as an ingredient in multi-grain foods. Its germination time is just 1-3 days and the crop matures quite quickly, making it a better proposition in areas too cold for wheat or maize. hordeum-2292htm'>Hordeum. .

A field of ripe, ready to harvest barley with a large haystack in the background. Barley (Hordeum vulgare), along with wheat, maize and oats, is a major grain crop. It is widely used in animal feeds and its main use for human consumption is in producing malt and as an ingredient in multi-grain foods. Its germination time is just 1-3 days and the crop matures quite quickly, making it a better proposition in areas too cold for wheat or maize. hordeum-2292htm'>Hordeum. .


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ID: CFGz037.jpg






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