Casuarina glauca

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Foliage of the Swamp She-oak or Grey. She-oak (<i>Casuarina glauca</i>), a 20m tall tree native to New South Wale and Queensland, Australia. When young, the stems and minute scale-like leaves of this species are blue-green (glaucous</i>), but as the tree matures it tends towards more of a greyish olive shade. Its seed capsules or cones are somewhat flattened and up to 18mm diameter, often persisting on the tree for several years. The prostrate form, popular as a garden groundcover, often retains its blue-green foliage. casuarina-2774htm'>Casuarina. <a href='casuarinaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Casuarinaceae</a>.

Foliage of the Swamp She-oak or Grey. She-oak (Casuarina glauca), a 20m tall tree native to New South Wale and Queensland, Australia. When young, the stems and minute scale-like leaves of this species are blue-green (glaucous), but as the tree matures it tends towards more of a greyish olive shade. Its seed capsules or cones are somewhat flattened and up to 18mm diameter, often persisting on the tree for several years. The prostrate form, popular as a garden groundcover, often retains its blue-green foliage. casuarina-2774htm'>Casuarina. Casuarinaceae.


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