Cassiope mertensiana

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White Heather (<i>Cassiope mertensiana</i>), a tiny evergreen shrub native to Subarctic to subalpine areas of western North America from Alaska to California, being found at increasing higher altitudes as the latitude decreases. Its small, white, bell shaped flowers have contrasting red sepals and its tiny, scale-like, dark green leaves are tightly adpressed to the stems. The main flowering season is late winter to early spring. The plants seldom exceeds 15cm tall and 25cm wide. cassiope-2772htm'>Cassiope. Order: Ericales, Family: Ericaceae

White Heather (Cassiope mertensiana), a tiny evergreen shrub native to Subarctic to subalpine areas of western North America from Alaska to California, being found at increasing higher altitudes as the latitude decreases. Its small, white, bell shaped flowers have contrasting red sepals and its tiny, scale-like, dark green leaves are tightly adpressed to the stems. The main flowering season is late winter to early spring. The plants seldom exceeds 15cm tall and 25cm wide. cassiope-2772htm'>Cassiope. Order: Ericales, Family: Ericaceae


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ID: CFGs380.jpg






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