Taxus baccata Dovastonii Aurea

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Taxus baccata 'Dovastonii Aurea' (syn 'Dovastoniana Aurea'), a Yew cultivar with bright yellow summer growth and yellow-edged green winter foliage. Its striking foliage is attractive but like many plants of this colour it can be difficult to grow well because while it needs light to maintain the foliage colour it will burn in hot sun. It has a low, somewhat spreading habit when young but eventually becomes upright with pendulous branches. Order: Pinales, Family: Taxaceae

Taxus baccata 'Dovastonii Aurea' (syn 'Dovastoniana Aurea'), a Yew cultivar with bright yellow summer growth and yellow-edged green winter foliage. Its striking foliage is attractive but like many plants of this colour it can be difficult to grow well because while it needs light to maintain the foliage colour it will burn in hot sun. It has a low, somewhat spreading habit when young but eventually becomes upright with pendulous branches. Order: Pinales, Family: Taxaceae


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ID: CFG9703.jpg






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