Astragalus propinquus

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The spring foliage of Huang. Qi (<i>Astragalus propinquus [syn. Astragalus membranaceus]), a 1m high and wide leguminous herbaceous perennial that produces heads of cream flowers from early summer followed by bean-like seedpods. There are also mauve-flowered forms. The plant is native to China and has long been used in traditional. Chinese medicines. It is also the source of the gum tragacanth, which is used in a wide range of products. astragalus-2383htm'>Astragalus.

The spring foliage of Huang. Qi (Astragalus propinquus [syn. Astragalus membranaceus]), a 1m high and wide leguminous herbaceous perennial that produces heads of cream flowers from early summer followed by bean-like seedpods. There are also mauve-flowered forms. The plant is native to China and has long been used in traditional. Chinese medicines. It is also the source of the gum tragacanth, which is used in a wide range of products. astragalus-2383htm'>Astragalus.


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ID: CFGq573.jpg






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