Alsobia dianthiflora

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Lace Flower. Vine (<i>Alsobia dianthiflora</i>), a relative of the African violet, this graceful trailing perennial with very distinctive fringed flowers is from Costa. Rica and Mexico and is usually grown in a hanging basket. This picture was shot at a slightly different angle to the similar <a href='img16429htm' style='color:red'>CFGh799</a>, giving it somewhat greater depth of field. alsobia-2320htm'>Alsobia.

Lace Flower. Vine (Alsobia dianthiflora), a relative of the African violet, this graceful trailing perennial with very distinctive fringed flowers is from Costa. Rica and Mexico and is usually grown in a hanging basket. This picture was shot at a slightly different angle to the similar CFGh799, giving it somewhat greater depth of field. alsobia-2320htm'>Alsobia.


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ID: CFGh798.jpg






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