Albuca fragrans

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Albuca fragrans, a late spring- to summer-flowering bulb native to southern Africa. The flower stems are up to 1m tall and the plant is sometimes known as the Slime. Lily because of the slippery sap that oozes from the cut stems. The mildly scented flowers are similar to those of Albuca aurea but are pendulous rather than tending towards being upright. albuca-2274htm'>Albuca.

Albuca fragrans, a late spring- to summer-flowering bulb native to southern Africa. The flower stems are up to 1m tall and the plant is sometimes known as the Slime. Lily because of the slippery sap that oozes from the cut stems. The mildly scented flowers are similar to those of Albuca aurea but are pendulous rather than tending towards being upright. albuca-2274htm'>Albuca.


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ID: CFGm853.jpg






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