Alocasia amazonica Polly

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The flower and foliage of Alocasia x amazonica 'Polly', one of several cultivars of a cross between Alocasia lowii of Borneo and the Philippine species. Alocasia sanderae. These cultivars have strikingly coloured foliage with contrasting, heavy, silvery to pale green veins and purplish undersides. The flowers are usually quite small and not especially showy. alocasia-2256htm'>Alocasia.

The flower and foliage of Alocasia x amazonica 'Polly', one of several cultivars of a cross between Alocasia lowii of Borneo and the Philippine species. Alocasia sanderae. These cultivars have strikingly coloured foliage with contrasting, heavy, silvery to pale green veins and purplish undersides. The flowers are usually quite small and not especially showy. alocasia-2256htm'>Alocasia.


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