Anthurium scherzerianum Rothschildianum

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Anthurium scherzerianum 'Rothschildianum', a cultivar of an evergreen perennial native to Costa. Rica 'Rothschildianum' differs from the species in having a very distinctive red-spotted spathe, as opposed to overall red or orange-red. The spirally twisted spadix is a feature of this species. anthurium-2027htm'>Anthurium.

Anthurium scherzerianum 'Rothschildianum', a cultivar of an evergreen perennial native to Costa. Rica 'Rothschildianum' differs from the species in having a very distinctive red-spotted spathe, as opposed to overall red or orange-red. The spirally twisted spadix is a feature of this species. anthurium-2027htm'>Anthurium.


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ID: CFG9307.jpg






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