Alnus glutinosa Laciniata

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Mature summer foliage and developing catkins of 'Laciniata'. Cut-leaf. Common Alder (<i>Alnus glutinosa 'Laciniata'), a cultivar of the common Eurasian and North African. Alder, a very hardy, 20-30m tall, moisture-loving, deciduous tree 'Laciniata' has lobed leaves with fairly broad lobes that are cut to just past halfway to the midrib of the leaf. The effect is rather like an oak leaf. alnus-2121htm'>Alnus. <a href='betulaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Betulaceae</a>.

Mature summer foliage and developing catkins of 'Laciniata'. Cut-leaf. Common Alder (Alnus glutinosa 'Laciniata'), a cultivar of the common Eurasian and North African. Alder, a very hardy, 20-30m tall, moisture-loving, deciduous tree 'Laciniata' has lobed leaves with fairly broad lobes that are cut to just past halfway to the midrib of the leaf. The effect is rather like an oak leaf. alnus-2121htm'>Alnus. Betulaceae.


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