Banksia spinulosa Birthday Candles

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Banksia spinulosa 'Birthday Candles', a cultivar of Banksia spinulosa var. collina (syn. Banksia collina</i>). Dwarf From, a low, spreading form of a large evergreen shrub native of New South Wales and Queensland, Australia and found as far north as Cairns. Its flowerheads are short, but in proportion to the size of the plant and often abundant. Order: Proteales, Family: Proteaceae

Banksia spinulosa 'Birthday Candles', a cultivar of Banksia spinulosa var. collina (syn. Banksia collina). Dwarf From, a low, spreading form of a large evergreen shrub native of New South Wales and Queensland, Australia and found as far north as Cairns. Its flowerheads are short, but in proportion to the size of the plant and often abundant. Order: Proteales, Family: Proteaceae


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ID: CFGv255.jpg






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