Banksia - Dwarf

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A very small winter-flowering. Banksia. This plant was no more than 20cm tall, with a spread of around 40cm. It was labelled. Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa, but even though there are dwarf forms of this species, that seems unlikely. If any visitor can identify it please <a href='contactushtml' style='color:red'>contact us</a>. Order: Proteales, Family: Proteaceae

A very small winter-flowering. Banksia. This plant was no more than 20cm tall, with a spread of around 40cm. It was labelled. Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa, but even though there are dwarf forms of this species, that seems unlikely. If any visitor can identify it please contact us. Order: Proteales, Family: Proteaceae


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ID: CFGf391.jpg






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