Xanthorrhoea semiplana subsp tateana

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Yacca (<i>Xanthorrhoea semiplana subsp. tateana [syn. Xanthorrhoea tateana]), a low-growing species of Australian grass tree. The very upright stems are the flower spikes, which mature slowly over many months. This species has a very restricted natural distribution, being endemic to KangarooIsland and the Fleurieu. Peninsula of SouthAustralia. This species yields a resin that is used to produce varnish, though it has now largely been replaced by synthetics. xanthorrhoea-2095htm'>Xanthorrhoea.

Yacca (Xanthorrhoea semiplana subsp. tateana [syn. Xanthorrhoea tateana]), a low-growing species of Australian grass tree. The very upright stems are the flower spikes, which mature slowly over many months. This species has a very restricted natural distribution, being endemic to KangarooIsland and the Fleurieu. Peninsula of SouthAustralia. This species yields a resin that is used to produce varnish, though it has now largely been replaced by synthetics. xanthorrhoea-2095htm'>Xanthorrhoea.


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