Linnaea grandiflora 'Frances Mason'

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'Frances Mason' is a yellow-foliaged cultivar of Linnaea grandiflora (syn. Abelia x grandiflora</i>), an evergreen shrub, semi-evergreen in cold winters, that grows to around 2m tall It is a hybrid between Linnaea chinensis and Linnaea uniflora, and is popular for hedging. It has attractive summer flowers and golden bronze foliage in autumn and winter. Order: Dipsacales, Family: Caprifoliaceae

'Frances Mason' is a yellow-foliaged cultivar of Linnaea grandiflora (syn. Abelia x grandiflora), an evergreen shrub, semi-evergreen in cold winters, that grows to around 2m tall It is a hybrid between Linnaea chinensis and Linnaea uniflora, and is popular for hedging. It has attractive summer flowers and golden bronze foliage in autumn and winter. Order: Dipsacales, Family: Caprifoliaceae


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ID: PHO0206.jpg






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