Aloe humilis

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Aloe humilis (syn. Aloe virens</i>), an evergreen succulent native to southern Africa. Its fleshy leaves are toothed and edged with spine-tipped teeth. This species does not form a trunk and develops into a dense clump of foliage. The flowers are borne atop tall, unbranched stems. Some authorities consider this species to be a form of Aloe humilis, though they appear quite dissimilar. Order: Asparagales, Family: Asphodelaceae

Aloe humilis (syn. Aloe virens), an evergreen succulent native to southern Africa. Its fleshy leaves are toothed and edged with spine-tipped teeth. This species does not form a trunk and develops into a dense clump of foliage. The flowers are borne atop tall, unbranched stems. Some authorities consider this species to be a form of Aloe humilis, though they appear quite dissimilar. Order: Asparagales, Family: Asphodelaceae


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ID: CFGm598.jpg






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