Agave potatorum

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Butterfly Agave (<i>Agave potatorum</i>), a blue-grey. Mexican succulent that develops into a foliage rosette with spine-tipped and edged leaves up to 40cm long. Despite its fairly small size it can produce an inflorescence up to 5m tall, with greenish yellow flowers opening from purple-red buds. The rosette dies after flowering. Order: Asparagales, Family: Asparagaceae

Butterfly Agave (Agave potatorum), a blue-grey. Mexican succulent that develops into a foliage rosette with spine-tipped and edged leaves up to 40cm long. Despite its fairly small size it can produce an inflorescence up to 5m tall, with greenish yellow flowers opening from purple-red buds. The rosette dies after flowering. Order: Asparagales, Family: Asparagaceae


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