Witchs Broom

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A witch's broom growing on a white-flowered Kaka Beak (<i>Clianthus puniceus 'Alba'). Witch's brooms are a deformed growths that develop on woody plants where they have been damaged by pests or diseases. They usually take the forms of a congested mass of very small leaves and twigs and may sometimes also produce flowers. A few cultivars have been developed form material taken from witch's brooms. pests-and-diseases-3512htm'>Plant. Pests and Diseases</a>

A witch's broom growing on a white-flowered Kaka Beak (Clianthus puniceus 'Alba'). Witch's brooms are a deformed growths that develop on woody plants where they have been damaged by pests or diseases. They usually take the forms of a congested mass of very small leaves and twigs and may sometimes also produce flowers. A few cultivars have been developed form material taken from witch's brooms. pests-and-diseases-3512htm'>Plant. Pests and Diseases


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