Camellia 'Betty's Beauty'

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<i>Camellia</i> 'Betty's Beauty', a medium-sized. <i>Camellia japonica</i> cultivar that won an American Camellia. Society award in 1999. It is often recommended as a replacement for the similarly coloured 'Betty Sheffield Supreme', of which it is a sport, as it doesn't so readily revert to a solid colour. Order: Ericales, Family: Theaceae

Camellia 'Betty's Beauty', a medium-sized. Camellia japonica cultivar that won an American Camellia. Society award in 1999. It is often recommended as a replacement for the similarly coloured 'Betty Sheffield Supreme', of which it is a sport, as it doesn't so readily revert to a solid colour. Order: Ericales, Family: Theaceae


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ID: CFGf585.jpg






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